B.S. in Forensic Science - Biology Track

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BS Forensic Science - Biology Track Degree Plan (120 hours)
Core Requirements (33 hours)
First Year Seminar3
First Year Seminar
Freshmen Composition I3
Rhetoric and Composition
Rhetoric and Composition for International Students
Any EN 23XX literature course
Any 1000, 2000, or 3000-level HS course
Social Science
Satisfied by CJ 1301 and CR 3335 in the courses required for this major.
Satisfied by MT 2303 in the courses required for this major.
Natural or Physical Sciences
Satisfied by PY 1401 in the courses required for this major.
Fine Arts3
Select one from the following: AR 1300, AR 1301, AR 1311, AR 1312, AR 2301, AR 2321, AR 2361, AR 2362, AR 3331, AR 3351, AR 3381, AR 3392, 3 hrs. DM, MU 1300 or 3 hrs. of any MU
Foreign Language and International Engagement 6
This requirement is satisfied through one of four ways: (1) One 3-hour course in any language at the 3000 level or above, with a grade of B or better; (2) Two courses (1311 and 1312) in a language not previously studied; (3) Two courses (2311 and 2312) in a language previously studied at the high school or college level; (4) Qualifying scores on an AP or CLEP exam, or both the ACTFL OPI and WPT exams
Philosophy - Self3
Intro to Philosophy
Philosophy - Ethics3
Foundations of Ethics
Theology - God3
Introduction to Theology
Intermediate Theology3
Any TH 33xx course
Forensic Science - Biology Track Major Course (87 hours)
BL 1401General Biology for Majors I4
BL 1402General Biology for Majors II4
BL 2110Sophomore Biology Seminar1
BL 2233Cell & Molecular Methods2
BL 2330Genetic Principles3
BL 3110Junior Biology Seminar1
BL 4110Senior Biology Seminar1
BL 4411Genes, Genomes and Genomics4
BL 34XX or 44XX -Advanced Biology8
CH 1401General Chemistry I4
CH 1402General Chemistry II4
CH 2411Organic Chemistry I4
CH 2412Organic Chemistry II4
CJ 1301Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CR 3335Survey of Forensic Science3
FSC 3301Forensic Science Quality Assurance3
FSC 3330Forensic Science Internship3
FSC 4420Forensic Biotechnology4
Forensic Science Electives 12
Can be satisfied by taking any of the advanced FSC courses not required already for this degree
MT 2303Introduction to Probability and Statistics3
MT 2412Calculus I4
PY 1401General Physics I4
PY 1402General Physics II4
Total Semester Hours120

This is a recommended degree plan subject to changes. Please meet with your adviser on a regular basis.

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First Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
BL 14014CJ 13013
FYE 13013BL 14024
CH 14014EN 13113
MT 24124CH 14024
 MT 23033
 15 17
Second Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
BL 23303History3
PL 13013TH 13013
CH 24114BL 22332
CR 33353CH 24124
BL 21101Literature3
 14 15
Third Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
PY 14014PY 14024
BL 44114Forensic Science Elective4
Foreign Language3Foreign Language3
FSC 33013PL 23013
BL 31101 
 15 14
Fourth Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
Fine Arts3Forensic Science Elective4
FSC 44204Forensic Science Elective4
FSC 33303Advanced Biology4
Advanced Biology4Advanced Theology3
BL 41101 
 15 15
Total Semester Hours 120