B.S. Applied Physics

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B.S. in Applied Physics (120 hours)
Core Requirements (47 hours)
First Year Seminar3
First Year Seminar
Freshmen Composition I3
Rhetoric and Composition
Rhetoric and Composition for International Students
Any EN 23XX literature course
Any 1000, 2000, or 3000-level HS course
Social Science6
Calculus I
Natural or Physical Sciences4
University Physics I
Fine Arts3
Foreign Language and International Engagement 6
This requirement is satisfied through one of four ways: (1) One 3-hour course in any language at the 3000 level or above, with a grade of B or better; (2) Two courses (1311 and 1312) in a language not previously studied; (3) Two courses (2311 and 2312) in a language previously studied at the high school or college level; (4) Qualifying scores on an AP or CLEP exam, or both the ACTFL OPI and WPT exams
Philosophy - Self3
Intro to Philosophy
Philosophy - Ethics3
Foundations of Ethics
Theology - God3
Introduction to Theology
Intermediate Theology3
Any TH 33xx course
Applied Physics Major Courses (38 hours)
MT 2413Calculus II4
MT 2317Differential Equations3
MT 2323Discrete Math Structures3
PY 2404University Physics II4
PY 3101Modern Physics Lab1
PY 3110Computational Physics Lab1
PY 3120Robotics Lab1
PY 3301Modern Physics3
PY 3303Mathematical Methods in Physics3
PY 3304Thermodynamics3
PY 3307Mechanics3
PY 3308Quantum Mechanics3
PY 4308Advanced Quantum Mechanics3
PY 4310Advanced Electromagnetic Theory3
Concentration (Computer Science, Engineering or Environmental Science)24
Computer Science Concentration:
MT 3324, MT 4351, CS 1310, CS 1311, CS 2313, CS 2315, plus six hours of advanced Computer Science courses CS33XX/43XX
Engineering Concentration:
24 hours of engineering courses within the choice of specialty (Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering)
Environmental Science Concentration
24 hours from the ennvironmental science requirements with approval of environmental science co-adviser
Electives (11 hours)11
Free electives (Electives courses from any discipline)
Total Semester Hours120

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First Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
FYE 13013PY 24044
EN 13113MT 24134
MT 24124PL 13013
PY 14044Literature3
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Second Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
MT 23173PY 33043
PY 33013PY 31201
PY 31011MT 23233
PY 33033TH 13013
Concentration Course3Concentration Course3
 13 16
Third Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
PY 31101PY 43083
PY 33073Concentration Course3
PY 33083Social Science3
Concentration Course3Elective2
Concentration Course3Foreign Language3
Foreign Language3 
 16 14
Fourth Year
FallSemester HoursSpringSemester Hours
PY 43093PL 23013
Concentration Course3Concentration Course3
Concentration Course3Social Science3
Fine Arts3Advanced Theology3
 15 15
Total Semester Hours 120