
KN 1311. Intro to Korean. 3 Semester Hours.

Introduction to Korean consists of two semesters and introduces students to the fundamentals of Korean language, focusing on the four phases of the development of four basic skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading. In this course, students will also be able to learn and experience Korean culture. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to carry on basic conversations in Korean in different kinds of basic situations. The first semester, KN 1311, will consist of an introduction to the Korean Alphabet and focuses on developing basic skills that will enable students to read and write simple sentences, as well as to understand and to speak simple sentences related to daily exchanges. Each semester consists of two hours lecture and one hour of audio/video/writing laboratory. A laboratory fee is charged.

KN 1312. Intro to Korean II. 3 Semester Hours.

This course is a continuation of KN1311. It concentrates on the further development of the four basic skills of speaking, writing, listening and reading. In KN1312 students will also continue developing their knowledge of cultural aspects of Korea through the use of videos, films, podcasts, as well as written media (newspapers and magazines). The class consists of one hour of audio/video/writing laboratory. A laboratory fee is charged.

KN 2311. Second-Year Korean I. 3 Semester Hours.

KN 2312. Second-Year Korean II. 3 Semester Hours.